The McKeon Foundation Press is proud to be the exclusive publisher of the award-winning Find 'em, Sell 'em, Keep 'em marketing strategy series. The Find ’em, Sell ’em, Keep ’em series uses proven marketing tactics and strategies to build and strengthen relationships between you and your customers, through the use of unique and profitable acquisition, conversion and retention campaigns. Author, Kevin W. Fitzgerald, has written extensivly on successful acquisition, conversion and retention techniques that improve the marketing vision from the smallest start-up to the largest corporation.
Spinning the Web: A Strategic Guide to Internet Marketing
(ISBN: 0976598701) The definitive collection of “how to” tactics and strategies for profitable Internet Marketing in the 21st century. Includes a step-by-step gameplan for creating a website and successful internet-based marketing campaigns for customer acquisition, conversion and retention.
To order, send $16.95 + $4.95 S&H ($21.90 total) check or money order to:
McKeon Foundation Press
Spinning the Web
118 Sanford Avenue
Clinton, NY 13323
Acorn to Oak: Strategic Marketing to Grow Your Business
(ISBN: 097659871X) The definitive collection of proven marketing tactics and strategies aimed at growing any company, large or small, in the 21st century. From Acorn to Oak includes a step-by-step game plan for creating successful customer acquisition, conversion and retention marketing campaigns.
To order, send $16.95 + $4.95 S&H ($21.90 total) check or money order to:
McKeon Foundation Press
Acorn to Oak
118 Sanford Avenue
Clinton, NY 13323
Building Your Foundation: A Business Development Guide for Contractors
(ISBN: 0976598728) The definitive collection of proven marketing tactics and strategies aimed at helping contractors create and expand their buisiness. Building Your Foundation includes a step-by-step "Contractor Gameplan" for creating successful customer lead generation, closing techniques and customer retention marketing campaigns.
Co-authored by Daniel F. Fitzgerald III and Kevin W. Fitzgerald.
To order, send $16.95 + $4.95 S&H ($21.90 total) check or money order to:
McKeon Foundation Press
Acorn to Oak
118 Sanford Avenue
Clinton, NY 13323